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Swim Spas & Year Round Pools From Hot Tubs London

Hot Tubs London is proud to offer an innovative line of swim spas to London, ON, and the surrounding communities. Our team is committed to providing our customers with a constant supply of options. Swim spas are an excellent option for those looking to combine the relaxation and comfort elements of a hot tub with the exercise opportunities a gym might provide. Our swim spas are long and deep enough to swim in them, and the powerful jets provide resistance. Competitive swimmers use them – but everyday people looking for low-impact exercise can as well.

Competition Style Training

This unit features a current-based design that enables you to swim, jog, or walk in the water. It reduces the stress gravity on your body and allows you to benefit from the unique exercise opportunities of swimming in your background. Additionally, all Swim Spas have massaging spa jets and a tightly regulated water temperature for year-round swimming.


Why Choose a Swim Spa?

The Ironman Series: Relaxation and Vigorous Exercise

Research continually shows the benefits of exercise in warm water. And the same research demonstrates time and again the restorative nature of an evening soak in a hot tub. Our models are ideal for individuals and families that want to take advantage of the dual nature of a swim spa. Our models include:

Pro Level

Featuring jets of 45 or 50 and varying seating options, the pro level is a perfect option, no matter the size of your home.


The Trainer Deep is the deepest dual temperature model.

H2X Therapool

These swim spas cater to those who need extra therapeutic benefits from their spa. The Therapool D, SE, and 13 are all ideal options.

swim hot tub

Enter a Life of Luxury and Better Health Today

Hot Tubs London is proud of our reputation for delivering a premium, luxurious experience to your front door. We’re here for you from the beginning to the end of your journey. Our experts will listen to what you need from your swim spa and suggest the best option then our installers will work quickly and efficiently. Additionally, we offer reliable third-party financing to make your purchase easier on your wallet.

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Contact Us Today to Enjoy a Life of Luxury