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Bought a Hot tub from Kyle, Master Spa TS7.2 (it was a left over from hot tub expo) Great deal! His knowledge about tubs was extremely helpful. Glad we bought from him. His service, was top shelf, had an issue with control panel, Kyle fixed it next day. Awesome.

Dean M.

Best Hot Tub and the Dealer!
If you are looking to add an oasis in your backyard that all of your family and friends can enjoy, look no further. I purchased Masterspa Twilight series hot tub from Kyle during the middle of pandemic. Kyle was able to find me a hot tub that I wanted when all the other places couldn’t even promise me the delivery date. If you googled, you would already know how reputable Masterspa is from multiple sources. It is a high quality, hassle free hot tub. First time owning a tub and can’t believe how easy it is to maintain.
Now as for Kyle! I guess any good quality hot tubs are similar in their performance. But what makes a huge difference is the service you get from the dealer after the purchase. From the delivery to maintenance, Kyle was always available and he made sure you get the best services. As a first time owner, I admit I had many questions that may seem like small stuffs but Kyle always made sure I get the answers very quickly and assured me to reach out to him anytime with any questions. I feel like I now have a friend that I can always ask and get a good advice on hot tub maintenance and services. When you combine a good product with an impeccable service, you get truly a pleasant purchasing experience.
Hot tub is not a cheap purchase. When you buy a tub, it is an investment for you and your family. You want to make sure it works to your expectations and this purchase has been one of the best things that we made during the pandemic for our family.
Thanks Kyle!

Young K.

Kyle was a huge help in replacing the top side touch screen on our Twilight series tub. He understood the turnaround time was limited and needed to be done fast, he personally reached out to the supplier to have the warrantied part ship asap, installation was quick and easy. Kyle is always friendly, available and willing to help, as a new tub owner we appreciate his patience and knowledge, we would recommend Kyle to anyone. Thanks again!

Randy C.

We purchased a hot tub through Kyle in 2021. From the first moment we met, his communication has been incredible. He gets back to you instantly and goes out of his way to answer any questions we have had. Through discussing options/styles available, the delivery period, set up, and everything else - we felt we always had all the information we needed and were a valued customer.
As this was our first hot tub, he provided information and tips to ensure we didn't have any issues but was also happy to walk us through as things came up (Spa Defoamer is a must!!).
Not to mention, we saved a lot of money purchasing our hot tub through Kyle, which in itself is a big win!
We can't recommend Kyle enough. His customer service is next level, which is helpful and reassuring with such a big purchase!

Jenna S.

Customer service is top notch. Very reliable and responsive. Very knowledgeable and quick to respond to all my questions. Quality hot tubs and quality customer service. Kyle is wonderful to work with - large part of the reason I chose to buy a Master spa!

Helen V.

Great customer service, and very knowledgeable! Big selection to choose from, we love our new master spa hot tub. Kyle made sure to check in even after everything was hooked up and that it was running good, and to see if I had any questions/problems. It's great to see someone who takes the time to check in and show how much they care about their customers. Glad I bought from him.

Derek F.

We purchased our hot tub from Kyle at Hot Tubs London about 8 months ago. Our tub has been outstanding and we couldn’t be happier. Kyle even followed up with a water check just to make sure everything was running smoothly. Highly recommended.

Jay A.

Kyle is tremendous! My Masterspa is great and his customer service is second to none. Thanks so much for coming to the house for minor warranty work, free of charge, after more than two years. Will definitely recommend Kyle to friends and family. Also great spot to buy my chemicals.

William M.

I purchased a hot tub from Kyle about a year ago. It has been a great experience!!! Let me say when I have a question, I text Kyle and he returns my text promptly!!! He has helped me learn how to treat my water and even drive 1.5hrs to my house to fix my jet, twice. I would recommend Kyle to anyone!!!

Kelly P.

We met Kyle almost two years ago when shopping around for a hot tub. He helped us pick the perfect tub at a great price. He has always been extremely helpful in addressing any questions or concerns and when experiencing an issue, would be sure to tend to it immediately. Thanks Kyle.

Blare C.

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