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Hot Tubs London
by Kyle’s Spas

Hot Tub Deals Contact Us

Visit Us Today to Enjoy a Life of Luxury

We Specialize in Creating a Luxurious Backyard Oasis for You

There is no better way to relax after a long day’s work than in a hot tub. Hot Tubs London is one of the top providers of luxurious and feature-rich hot tubs, and we specialize in relaxation, recreation, and wellness. We have a vast inventory of selections, all of which combine elements of therapy and leisure. With a phone call and a short installation process, you can enjoy a backyard oasis in no time. Our experienced sales team will ensure you have the right hot tub, and our knowledgeable installation team will deliver and install your new hot tub quickly and correctly. It’s time to relax.

What We Offer

Lowest operating cost of all brands!!!

Our products are insulated properly for the cold Canadian winters and are the lowest running cost of any brand!!! This will save you your hard earned money!!!


Most important in our ever-changing climate is our insulation system. We use a Canadian environmentally friendly foam insulation system that reduces the running cost of your hot tub. This insulation system is so important in our Canadian climate as it also supports the heavy water in the plumbing from breaking and leaking...this is a must for Canada!!!!

Water Management

Our Organic Mineral Water Management System ensures peerless water quality. You can always expect clear, silky, and fresh-smelling water in your hot tub. It will also greatly reduce the sanitizer in the tub.

hot tub outside

Our Dedication to Quality and Comfortable Products Sets Us Apart

We stand apart from the competition by committing to core values and premium customer service. But most importantly, our inventory is full of innovative hot tubs featuring top-tier features that amplify your experience. We sell some of the most recognizable and trustworthy names in the business. Most importantly, you can count on outstanding service no matter what you choose. We thoroughly enjoy helping our clients achieve their dreams of a hot tub in their backyard.

Enhance Your Quality of Life Today: Visit Our Showroom

If you’re thinking about buying a hot tub, call us to schedule a private appointment. One of our team members will walk you through your options. We have an expansive showroom with all our products, ensuring you can see what you’re buying and speak to a representative about what the hot tub offers. There is no better choice for luxury and relaxation than Hot Tubs London.

Contact Us